Green Pool

So yesterday I put up a post about how we painted the pool deck, but if you remember I never showed a picture with the pool uncovered. That’s because currently our pool is rather… green. Yeah, you can’t even see a foot into it. We let it turn green because the algae bonds with a chemical in the pool which, when we clean out the algae, will come out with it. And that will be nice I’m sure, but I still don’t like not being able to tell if an alligator is in the pool or not.

Gardenia Buffet

When we got up a couple of days ago we saw this guy having his breakfast in the gardenia. There must be plenty of bugs and lizards in the gardenia, because he has sitting in it eating every morning for the past few days. I think we should make him pay for it, you know like a bed and breakfast, or a hotel.


Dog-pile on the polar bear!Polar bear has his revenge!In case anyone is wondering those stuffed animals are all mine (what can I say, I like stuffed animals), and since I got most of them when I was little they all have very creative names. Their names are Polar Bear, Doggy, Elephanty, Baron Fox, and Little Polar Bear. You have to guess which is which.

A Poem For How Much I Love You

I love you as much as water loves the sun,

I love you as much as old men love to run,

I love you as much as a baby not eating,

I love you as much as a baby when teething,

I love you as much as cats love dogs,

I love you as much as people love hogs,

In short, I hate you.

Never speak to me again,

At least until I am one-hundred and ten.

A poem for someone who won’t leave you alone.

Joke of the Week

So there were two guys who went out hiking together. One of them fell, and was unresponsive so the other guy called 911. My friend fell down and I can’t get him to wake up, the guy said, I think he might be dead. Okay, said the 911 operator, first you need to make sure he is dead. Then there was a pause, and then a gunshot. then the guy said, Okay, what now?

Roo Is Missing!

So, Veronica’s stuffed kangaroo, Roo, has been missing for the past three days, and Veronica has been worrying about where he is, and asking people if they have it. So, she decided she to give whoever found it a paper pearl as a reward. A little while later Christopher found it, and Veronica was so excited she decided to preform some sort of ceremony to honor Christopher. But, do you know how Christopher found Roo? He looked! Yep, the whole time Veronica was fretting about Roo she hadn’t even looked for him.

Santa In A Candle?

So, recently we started burning the “Santa In A Candle” candle again, (it almost feels like Christmas again) and the wax had all melted so we were considering pulling Santa out. But that would ruin our great new tradition. Besides, Santa had already fallen over in the wax. This leaves me with an important question: should we continue calling it “Santa In A Candle, or should we rename it “Santa In Carbonite”. I think we should continue calling it “Santa In A Candle” during Christmas, but “Santa In Carbonite” the rest of the year. It just seems more seasonally appropriate that way.

Veronica’s Reading Habits

I think it’s really neat that Veronica can read. I think it’s just keen that Veronica knows big words like apparatus and fortuitous, and can already spell most of her spelling words. The problem with this is she also likes to try and read EVERYTHING! I mean I don’t really think Veronica needs to be reading my biology. She also used to want to do everything she read in a book. Since she reads everything we really can’t do all of it. Although if she could do everything she read in a dessert cooking book, I could live with that.

Daily Plumeria

After Veronica saw the Plumeria with the hats all over it, she decided to write a short newspaper story about it. It is titled

“The Daily Plumeria!”

The new Plumeria Hat Tree arrived today. It is decked out in hats and color, and is very colorful and fun. It is a very attractive thing and is attracting the attention of a lot of people in Handley park and whoever drives the Langenkamps yard.

Reporter Veronica on the Scene!

Veronica also drew a picture of the tree with people all around it with the caption “Plumeria Hat Tree Stealing the Show!”