Extra, Extra, Read All About It

Polar Bear is awesome!!! So is Doggy!!! Tiny Polar Bear says Hi!!! Polar Bear likes writing. Umm… Anyone else wan’ to say something? What. I know you’ll take over the world, you say that a lot. What do mean Elephant? You think this is a waste of time? Seriosly though anyone else want to say somthing? No? Oh, you think I shold stop writing everythang I say? Okay makes sense. I’ll stop writting now…I did stop, oh, oh no wait I didn’t. I’m going to…right now…right now. Bye evryone out there.

-Polar Bear

A New Department

Today the Longbow News Service would like to welcome our new journalist department. Polar Bear: main writer. Doggy: editor/writer. Elephant: department manger. Baron Fox: world conqueror. Tiny Polar Bear (aka. Steel): cuddly mascot. When asked about his new position Polar Bear had this to say: “Writing isn’t so hard… Spelling words good is half the battle”.

Baron Fox had a slightly different opinion: “I WILL RULE THE COSMOS WITH AN IRON FIST!”.

Tiny Polar Bear was just happy to be there: “Yay, now I have a real job.”

Suffice to say they are all very happy to help. Their first article will come out tomorrow.


Dog-pile on the polar bear!Polar bear has his revenge!In case anyone is wondering those stuffed animals are all mine (what can I say, I like stuffed animals), and since I got most of them when I was little they all have very creative names. Their names are Polar Bear, Doggy, Elephanty, Baron Fox, and Little Polar Bear. You have to guess which is which.

A Polarizing Problem

I was helping Nathaniel with his Algebra today when we came upon a problem about converting from rectangular form to polar form.  Suddenly it occurred to me, why is it called polar form?  I mean rectangular form I get, but Polar Form, how does that work?!?  It doesn’t have any polars.  It doesn’t even look like a polar!  Did they start using this system exclusively in the North or South Pole?  Or maybe some guy named Polar invented it, or perhaps polar bears just really love using this coordinate system.

Yes, we do!
Yes, we do!