The Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

The Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

Forced to pursue the villainous Elephant the Armadillo of Legends struck out across the clearing toward the neighboring village. Though still thirty yards away the Armadillo could already detect the effects of the mayhem. The fires roaring atop the buildings, the smell of burning tar and hay, and the shouts for help, mingled with the insane laughter of the evil Elephant. He hurried forward.

As he entered the village he surveyed the wreckage, trying to find the mad Doctor Elephant. This did not take long. Despite the Elephant’s immense weight he sat with astounding grace on a slender, floating, broomstick. The Elephant attacked the villagers alternating with his two weapons, a small wand, and a lazer-crossbow. The Elephant’s unearthly weapons, and his eerie laughter perturbed many of the villagers causing them to run in fear. The Armadillo however, is without fear. Sneaking up behind the Elephant he hurled his boomerang at his his foe’s voluminous head. The boomerang rebounding off the back of his head, the Elephant turned around trumpeting in anger. Unfortunately, the Armadillo had underestimated the strength of his enemy’s skull.

“Who dares to strike ME!!!”, roared the Elephant.

Even after he had discovered his assailant his eyes continued to dart from place to place. This rapid searching, almost nervous motion was contrasted by his seemingly calm and respectable demeanor, giving him the air of an insane mystic.

The Armadillo, however, wasted no time on a such a character study, insightful though it may be.  Rushing forward he jumped, twirled in the air, and struck the Elephant full in the face with his right foot. Following this with a shield brought heavy against the same target.  The Elephant fell from his broomstick. Recovering himself the Elephant fired two bolts with his gun that the Armadillo easily parried. While he fired he waved his wand in the air, summoning a large wind which blew the Armadillo away from him.

“Impudent FOOL!!!”, the Elephant roared, “You think you can attack ME; The Strength of Sages, The Duke of Doom, The Lord of Lard; and expect get away with it?!!”. The Armadillo snickered involuntarily at this last title, which only served to anger the Elephant more. Trumpeting out a vicious war cry, the Elephant bore down on the Armadillo putting all his weight behind his mighty charge. Placing his shield in front of him the Armadillo braced for impact.

To be continued…

Mr. Squirrel

Today I saw Mr. Squirrel taking a quiet repose on the table in the park.You’d think if the squirrel had any brains it would be more afraid of the table, since that is where we eat other animals. Unfortunately for the squirrel it is sadly lacking in intellect.

The Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

The Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

The Barons of Evil flew down from the sky riding a strange, red, flying vehicle. It had a large body in the middle and on the sides were the wings, each with a large turbine on them. 

These villains alighted in front of our hero and as they did so the fox opened his mouth as if to speak. He never got the chance. The Armadillo leapt forward with the ferocity of a lion. Taking them by surprise the Armadillo smashed the bear across the face, knocking him off balance. Rushing forward he  slashed at the fox, who he knew to be their leader. To his great surprise his sword glanced off.  His foe was protected by a very clear panel of strong glass. From behind the Armadillo a bolas swooped through the air, rapped around the Armadillo’s feet, and he fell off the ship. He had forgotten about the racoon.

The ship quickly drew backwards and up a little as the devious leader of the motley crew began issuing orders. “Slew Foot quick, get behind him. Count Drakecula, grab your weapons and descend from the ship.”

Even as the fox uttered his commands, the bear known as Slew Foot leapt the immense distance, and stood some ten feet behind the Armadillo.

The racoon, whom the Armadillo now knew to be Count Drakecula, stood before the ship sword in hand, as the fox continued. “Did you really think I would just “let” you attack me? Come on guys, I tried to be reasonable, but now we have to do this the hard way.”

“Got it Baron Fox!”

Slew Foot sprang towards the Armadillo slammed against him and sent him flying. The Armadillo bounced twice off the ground before he finally stopped flying. The Armadillo was beginning to understand the true brute strength of the small bear.

His head was still reeling as Count Drakecula swiftly approached him from behind. The Armadillo however, recovered faster. Whirling around the Armadillo pulled a small bomb off his belt and threw it at the Count. Surprised, the Count took a step to the side to avoid the bomb. Coiling his grappling hook around the feet of the surprised racoon, the Armadillo pulled Count Drakecula to the ground.

“You’re good,” said the Count smiling deviously, “but not good enough.”

As he spoke Baron Fox flew towards the Armadillo spraying fire as he went. The stouthearted warrior flipped backwards to avoid the fire, and was smacked into a tree by the strong arm of Slew Foot.

“Now that we have let off some steam,” said Baron Fox, “maybe you could listen to what I have to say.”

The Armadillo looked around at the three trained villains, each deadly in their area of expertise. He knew he could beat them with more supplies, more time, and a plan. He had none of these. Besides, as long as he kept them within his line of sight he could plan while the fox talked. The Armadillo glared at them, and nodded his assent.

“Good.” said Baron Fox, “I hate fighting good guys anyways. They always win. Now I assume you want to know who we were chasing and why. As you know we are rapidly becoming the most evil group in the world. This is not because we are the most evil, but rather because we are slowly eradicating the competition. The elephant we were chasing is known as Doctor Elephant, a sorcerer/genius and complete lunatic. His evil feats are known far and wide, and he is now headed for that village in the distance. If you hurry you can catch him before he does much damage. Good luck.”

As Baron Fox turned to leave Slew Foot interjected asking, “What about the girl?”

“Oh yes.” said the Baron, “You think we kidnapped the fair princess of yonder kingdom. I’m afraid you are sadly mistaken. if you want to know where she is I would ask the Elephant. Kidnapping is not really our style. Good luck with that as well.”

The Armadillo looked at the Baron and knew he was not lying. This ability was one of the Armadillo’s rare gifts. As they left he could hear Baron Fox remarking how he loved when good guys did their work for them. He didn’t want to, but he knew he couldn’t let the Elephant destroy that town. He knew, deep inside him that the Barons of Evil and he would meet again some day.  Whether this was a comfort or a concern he did not know.

The Man

So, I’ve noticed that my blog posts haven’t been as funny as they could be recently. This was rather disheartening. Maybe I’d lost my touch (more likely I never had one). Maybe I had finally ran out of ideas. Whatever the cause I decided I had to get back to my inner-artist. So I wrote a brand new story. A story greater than all my other stories. A story that will leave people guessing. A story unlike any other. And so, with out further adieu, my great new masterpiece:

The Man

There once was a man. And then he died.

It really speaks to you doesn’t it.

Who Would Win in a Fight

Who would win in a fight: Superman or Popeye the Sailor-man? I know this sounds like it would have an obvious answer, I mean the Man of Steel versus a normal sailor. Of course Superman would win. But if you think about it Superman can definitely be hurt even without kryptonite. In fact if two Supermen fight eventually one of them will be defeated. However, Popeye after he has eaten spinach, has never been beaten. In fact Popeye appears to have limitless strength and be invincible. I don’t know, I would be a tough call. Anyway tell me what you think in the comments.

Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

The Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

As the Armadillo left the desert he was greeted with the ominous smell of smoke. Surveying the horizon he quickly saw the origin of the smoke. The smoke billowed and curled in a giant column that snaked down to a small village in the distance.

Though he had promised to save the princess the noble nature of the Armadillo would not allow him to pass such wrongs without at least seeing if he could help. Moreover, since huge destruction and  fires are the token of the Rainbow Dragon, perhaps he could kill two birds with one stone.

As he arrived on the scene he saw that the villagers had already put out most of the immediate fire but it continued to spread with amazing strength and speed into the distance.

Hurriedly the Armadillo went to one of the villagers who gave him a brief detail of what had happened. Apparently most of them had been working in the fields so they did not entirely know what had happened. They did however know that before the fire had started they saw two shadows fly by. They couldn’t tell what they were, but they knew that the second had brought the fire.

The Armadillo waited to hear no more. If this was his arch-nemesis many more people would be in danger. As he grew near to the source of the still spreading fire he slowed down a little to prepare himself for battle. He noticed that while two shadows flew and shot fire they did so with little noise, but the vile dragon generally fought while challenging with ear deafening roars.

The Armadillo had little time to ponder this, as he quickly saw his chance to strike. Crouching behind a large rock, he saw the shadow growing closer. Suddenly he leapt in front of it sword and shield in hand poised for action. What landed in front of him were three perspicuous figures. A fox, a bear, and a racoon: The Barons of Evil.

The Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

As the Armadillo turned and walked away from his aged advisor, a passerby, confused by the Armadillo’s outlandish garb asked the old bunny, “Who was that Armadillo? Where did he come from?”.

“Why, said MyBunny, how could you not know? That is the Armadillo of Legends! He comes from a village far away, and his tale is not a happy one.

He used to live quite happily in his own village. They had food, water, and shelter.  They were overall a prosperous town and more importantly a joyous one. They had the sun shine by day and the moonglow by night, the birds sang ceaselessly while the flowers bloomed. Sadly, nothing lasts forever. Eventually, tales of their good fortune spread reaching the ears of those who are most greedy, one of these was the dreaded Rainbow Dragon.

The Rainbow Dragon, bloated with greed, ever hungry for gold and power, descended on the town with all his flame and fury leaving nothing left, but a the charred remains of this once happy village.

Now the Armadillo wanders in search of this flaming terror, righting wrongs as he comes upon them, growing ever stronger and more experienced.Gaining power and wisdom until he can finally confront and vanquish his foe.

That is the tale of the Armadillo of Legends”.

“Wait, so everyone in his village just died?”

“No! Hearing that the Rainbow Dragon was coming, they packed their stuff and moved. They live in a nearby village”

“So how do you know all this?” the passerby quizzically queried.

“Looked it up on the internet. I mean! Because I’m so wise and all that stuff…”

A Joke

Recently I heard a rather amusing joke. Like most jokes however it probably won’t be as funny if you are reading it, but maybe you can tell it to a friend or something. Anyways, a man and a giraffe walk into a bar. After a while the giraffe passes out and falls on the flour. Then, as the man gets up to leave the bartender says, “Hey, you can’t leave that lying there.” So the man says, “It isn’t a lion it’s a giraffe.”

(Cue laugh track)

Witch Doctor

So I was thinking about the Witch Doctor song (it’s a great song, I pity those who haven’t heard it), and it occurred to me why would this guy start by talking to a WITCH doctor. I mean seriously, that just sounds like a recipe for disaster. This is the one time someone with witch in their name has actually given sound advice. Lets just look at Hansel and Gretel. Climb into the oven she said, sure that sounds like a GREAT idea. Don’t misunderstand me, I really like the song, I just think the idea of asking a Witch Doctor for advice is not a good life model.

Extra, Extra, Read All About It

Polar Bear is awesome!!! So is Doggy!!! Tiny Polar Bear says Hi!!! Polar Bear likes writing. Umm… Anyone else wan’ to say something? What. I know you’ll take over the world, you say that a lot. What do mean Elephant? You think this is a waste of time? Seriosly though anyone else want to say somthing? No? Oh, you think I shold stop writing everythang I say? Okay makes sense. I’ll stop writting now…I did stop, oh, oh no wait I didn’t. I’m going to…right now…right now. Bye evryone out there.

-Polar Bear