Extra, Extra, Read All About It

Polar Bear is awesome!!! So is Doggy!!! Tiny Polar Bear says Hi!!! Polar Bear likes writing. Umm… Anyone else wan’ to say something? What. I know you’ll take over the world, you say that a lot. What do mean Elephant? You think this is a waste of time? Seriosly though anyone else want to say somthing? No? Oh, you think I shold stop writing everythang I say? Okay makes sense. I’ll stop writting now…I did stop, oh, oh no wait I didn’t. I’m going to…right now…right now. Bye evryone out there.

-Polar Bear

A New Department

Today the Longbow News Service would like to welcome our new journalist department. Polar Bear: main writer. Doggy: editor/writer. Elephant: department manger. Baron Fox: world conqueror. Tiny Polar Bear (aka. Steel): cuddly mascot. When asked about his new position Polar Bear had this to say: “Writing isn’t so hard… Spelling words good is half the battle”.

Baron Fox had a slightly different opinion: “I WILL RULE THE COSMOS WITH AN IRON FIST!”.

Tiny Polar Bear was just happy to be there: “Yay, now I have a real job.”

Suffice to say they are all very happy to help. Their first article will come out tomorrow.


Dog-pile on the polar bear!Polar bear has his revenge!In case anyone is wondering those stuffed animals are all mine (what can I say, I like stuffed animals), and since I got most of them when I was little they all have very creative names. Their names are Polar Bear, Doggy, Elephanty, Baron Fox, and Little Polar Bear. You have to guess which is which.