Oh no, Anne has been knitting to much. She had a (to quote Veronica), “Knitting Accident! Weeeooo weeeooo weeeooo”. Seriously though Anne has to stop knitting for right now, because she accidentally gave herself a callus while knitting. Who knew knitting could be so dangerous?
Tag: Veronica
Expiration Dates
So today while we were eating lunch, Veronica was reading the expiration dates on the backs of the condiments. And in a sudden moment of thoughtfulness Veronica looked up and said, “I think if they have the day that it expires they should have the time it expires too”. So Mom and Dad explained to Veronica that the people who write the expiration dates don’t know the exact time that it expires. Besides if the expiration date were that specific I would be worried that if I ate the food a minute before it expired, that it would expire in my stomach. That being said I think this post belongs in the philosophy category.
Spelling Errors… In a Spelling Book!
So today Veronica was filling in the blanks in a short story for her spelling. And she noticed that one of the words in the spelling book had been typed incorrectly. So Veronica simply corrected the error with her pencil and moved on.
The Tale of Mirrors and Shadows
A few days ago Veronica wrote a story called,
The Tale of Mirrors and Shadows
This is the (not) true tale of how Mirrors and Shadows came to be. Once upon a time, there was nothing but clear glass in which lived the Mirror-people. Then, humans began appearing which looked exactly like the Mirror-people. Soon, the Mirror-people could no longer tell which was a human and which was one of their own. A conflict rose between them. Thus began the Mirror-war. The Mirror-war lasted 7 days and 7 nights without stopping for food. And when the dust had cleared, there were about as many humans as there were Mirror-people. When you look in the mirror, or see your shadow, you are really seeing your Mirror-being. Only light and mirrors show them up. The End.
That’s exactly how she wrote it, I didn’t change a word. I do wonder a little why your shadow, and your reflection are both your Mirror-being, but it really doesn’t matter.
They’re Watching!
As I sit here writing this blog post, Anne just stands behind me. Why, what does she hope to gain. Is she just being creepy? Maybe she is trying to read the post before it is finished. Yes, that must be it. She pretends to be reading something else but I know what she is trying to do. I can’t let that happen! I won’t! But what should do? Maybe if I wait she will leave… A quick glance over my shoulder shows she is still there. Yeah right, just cause the bookcase is behind me people try to trick me into thinking they are reading. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING DO YOU HEAR ME, I KNOW… What do you know she left. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Oh no, it’s Veronica. I KNOW she is trying to read the blog before it’s done. Sometimes, (much to my chagrin), she succeeds.
So today Veronica served Robert, Stephen, and I in her pretend restaurant. Since we were just in a pretend restaurant in Veronica’s room we obviously were not using normal dishes. We all had a shoe for our plate, and around them were bobby pins, and I foolishly mistook them for french fries. Apparently they were are silverware. The rest of the meal was quite delicious (or as good as an invisible meal can be) but I had to eat it without silverware.
Animal Show
Veronica put on an animal (stuffed animals) show today. There was a dinosaur that sword fought with its tail. A pink bear did gymnastics. There was a penguin that flew, and a duck that jumped at peoples faces. But the best act was a little pink mouse that ran around saying, “LITTLE PINK MOUSEY, LITTLE PINK MOUSEY, LITTLE PINK MOUSEY.” This act was clearly the best. After all the mouse was talking.
Roo Is Missing!
So, Veronica’s stuffed kangaroo, Roo, has been missing for the past three days, and Veronica has been worrying about where he is, and asking people if they have it. So, she decided she to give whoever found it a paper pearl as a reward. A little while later Christopher found it, and Veronica was so excited she decided to preform some sort of ceremony to honor Christopher. But, do you know how Christopher found Roo? He looked! Yep, the whole time Veronica was fretting about Roo she hadn’t even looked for him.
Veronica’s Reading Habits
I think it’s really neat that Veronica can read. I think it’s just keen that Veronica knows big words like apparatus and fortuitous, and can already spell most of her spelling words. The problem with this is she also likes to try and read EVERYTHING! I mean I don’t really think Veronica needs to be reading my biology. She also used to want to do everything she read in a book. Since she reads everything we really can’t do all of it. Although if she could do everything she read in a dessert cooking book, I could live with that.
Daily Plumeria
After Veronica saw the Plumeria with the hats all over it, she decided to write a short newspaper story about it. It is titled
“The Daily Plumeria!”
The new Plumeria Hat Tree arrived today. It is decked out in hats and color, and is very colorful and fun. It is a very attractive thing and is attracting the attention of a lot of people in Handley park and whoever drives the Langenkamps yard.
Veronica also drew a picture of the tree with people all around it with the caption “Plumeria Hat Tree Stealing the Show!”