A few days ago Veronica wrote a story called,
The Tale of Mirrors and Shadows
This is the (not) true tale of how Mirrors and Shadows came to be. Once upon a time, there was nothing but clear glass in which lived the Mirror-people. Then, humans began appearing which looked exactly like the Mirror-people. Soon, the Mirror-people could no longer tell which was a human and which was one of their own. A conflict rose between them. Thus began the Mirror-war. The Mirror-war lasted 7 days and 7 nights without stopping for food. And when the dust had cleared, there were about as many humans as there were Mirror-people. When you look in the mirror, or see your shadow, you are really seeing your Mirror-being. Only light and mirrors show them up. The End.
That’s exactly how she wrote it, I didn’t change a word. I do wonder a little why your shadow, and your reflection are both your Mirror-being, but it really doesn’t matter.