This post really has no purpose except for the fact that I have always wondered what a post written in the title would like. And I really have nothing interesting to say. Besides I had to carry out this experiment some time. Now though I am just wondering if there is a limit to how many words I can write in the title. I think it’s endless. This will make proofreading harder though.

Strange Quote of the Week

So, Yesterday while I was working on cleaning my room, suddenly I heard Jonathan say, “Trapped in the bathroom forever. There are worse ways to go.” I’m not sure why he said it, or if what he said makes any sense in context, but either way I think that goes on the list of strange things I thought I would never hear.

Bare Feet no More!

So as I was walking out to bring in groceries today, and what should I run into, but a dog. Yep, a big brown dog just staring at me. So I started to go back inside but the dog was following me. Now here I got in a bit of a pickle. Because I didn’t want to try to go inside, and have it follow me, and I didn’t want to stay outside with what might be a stray dog (there are a couple in our neighborhood). To make matters worse I had no shoes on, so even though it looked friendly, if it attacked me I couldn’t kick it, and have it bite my foot. Luckily, Nicholas came out and told it to shoo, and it was friendly so it left. Still, I have resolved to wear shoes from now on.

What I Love Most About Jackets

Pockets! Pockets! Pockets! I love pockets!

They just make life easier.  When I go to school  I carry with me a handkerchief, my money clip, my phone, my car keys, my phone’s cord, my flash drive, an eraser, my rosary, a pocket notebook, a pocket comb, a pocket knife, and three pencils.  This would be too much to keep track of even for most adventures  (Link would never be able to find his pencil), but when I wear a jacket I have, at least, eight pockets.  I have a place for everything and I know where everything is.  Pockets are great!

Toads in Florida

So a couple days ago Nicholas was taking out the trash and he called us out to show us something. As it turns out it was this very large toad.kimg0603

We all watched it for a while, and were really quite impressed with this small rotund creature. The funny thing is, though this toad was fairly large, it was just an ordinary toad. We had frogs in Ohio by the dozens every year, and took little notice of them. Then when we moved to Florida we thought the lizards were quite the novelty. I had never seen a lizards in person before we moved to Florida, because they could not survive the winter in Ohio. Now we think nothing of the lizards and think frogs are a novelty! However, lizards do still freak out Mom  if they get in the living room.

My Phone Really Hates Me

So I recently told you guys about that time I thought I lost my Phone and blamed it on my Jacket pockets. I was wrong my pockets were innocent, it turns out my phone hates me. It keeps dropping Mom’s calls or going straight to voicemail and when I finally got through to Mom it sounded like she was abducted by aliens. The worst part was when I tried to text mom thank you I ended up with “thighight” which isn’t even a word. Then instead of deleting this my phone sent it any way so from this point on my phone and I are at war.

Bad Browser Blues

I know Internet Explorer receives a lot of bad press, but it’s my favorite  browser.  I like it’s features best, it’s simpler, square look, and it has all of my favorites saved.  But recently I’ve been having a lot of problems using WordPress.   I couldn’t update the theme, I couldn’t access different parts of the dashboard, but the real kicker came when my dashboard wouldn’t load at all.  Finally I realized this wasn’t WordPress’ fault it was my browser.  IE doesn’t support WordPress anymore!  Man am I sheepish…and I need a new browser.

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Lok osdf jdsfvnidkfv sdifbnkfnxiat eiofjsif cfvjxuvnibinewdjvnsiec dsfisv jsdvbsdf gjc fbvrgjk xreg sixb jbr gcibnfdkb kldbv  klxm frg, dxvlmdkifd lxdgnxbm,dxvkixltgn lxdkfndfnikv xc,vnidflkfdsznilgknkfgnkjlzd xfkdd,lxdklg dxkxldn xdknxkldxfb kxdng ,cxf bidoxzrg fd vk


Yeah, this what happens when you write like people in movies. But who can blame them? I like beating on the keyboard too.


“We do not run in the house, and use the footstool as a diving board to get on the sofa!” Veronica may have been feeling a little rambunctious this morning. Yep, that’s just another one of the weird things Mom never thought she’d have to say as a parent. It’s almost as bad as the time when the older boys were little, and she had to make a rule about keeping your forks below your head while you eat. Or the time she had to tell Nicholas, (and he was a lot younger at the time, but still) not to drop cars on Stephen’s head. Who thinks that’s a good idea in the first place!

Junior Lego Masters

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but we own a lot of Lego. No I mean a Lot  of Lego.  Okay, you probably still don’t grasp how vast our collection is.  We have two of the large storage containers (the really big ones for storing stuff in your attic) full of Lego, and this is just our mixed Lego.  We also have numerous sets built and on display and other sets in boxes or bags waiting for their turn to be on display.The point is we like Lego.  So recently Christopher and Robert made this Lego warrior.20161031_213656

I was impressed with their unconventional use of pieces.  This man has an arm guard for a face, a dragon wing for an ax, and a tire for a shield.20161031_213535

Also all of his equipment can be put on his back (presumably so he can easily carry it over long distances).

Suffice it to say I was impressed.

Christopher, Robert, and their Warrior