Junior Lego Masters

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but we own a lot of Lego. No I mean a Lot  of Lego.  Okay, you probably still don’t grasp how vast our collection is.  We have two of the large storage containers (the really big ones for storing stuff in your attic) full of Lego, and this is just our mixed Lego.  We also have numerous sets built and on display and other sets in boxes or bags waiting for their turn to be on display.The point is we like Lego.  So recently Christopher and Robert made this Lego warrior.20161031_213656

I was impressed with their unconventional use of pieces.  This man has an arm guard for a face, a dragon wing for an ax, and a tire for a shield.20161031_213535

Also all of his equipment can be put on his back (presumably so he can easily carry it over long distances).

Suffice it to say I was impressed.

Christopher, Robert, and their Warrior

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Stephen is the saxophone player for Longbow and draws the H.A.T.S. comics and the Between Class Comics.

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