The Shelf

So today I finished a brand new shelf!20161122_082723

Now all Stephen’s retro Lego can sit on top of it. And Nicholas, Stephen, Jonathan, and I can all store two of our favorite hats on it (the two I put up are on the left end). As cool as it may look though it’s not as if I came up with it. Dad designed the shelf I just built it. But now we have more room to store hats and Lego. Because who doesn’t need more room for Lego.

Polar Opposites

So, this evening while we were doing the dishes, we were discussing the North and South poles, and Stephen pointed out something rather amusing. The phrase Polar Opposites means that two things are very different, but the poles are two of the most identical places on earth! They both have a sunless winter, and they have similar housing conditions, because no one wants to live there because it’s freezing!

Nativity Scene

This is one of my favorite Christmas decorations.

Looks pretty keen huh? We got this nativity scene a couple of years ago when a man came to our parish to raise money to help people in the Holy Lands. He gave a really great speech and besides a few other things we got this nativity set. It is made of olive wood and looks really nifty. In fact Mom likes it so much, we leave it up all year.

Santa in a Candle!

Happy Gaudete Sunday everyone. Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of advent and is a day of celebration (unlike all those other feast days in advent…).

Today is the day we celebrate the nearness of Christmas. Today is the day that everyone wears pink (except Stephen), to show how happy they are. So, to celebrate this day I want to share with everyone one of our new favorite Christmas decorations. Santa in a candle!img_3526I think this could become a great new Christmas tradition like elf on a shelf, except Santa can’t move cause he’s stuck in a candle! Don’t ask me how he got there, because I don’t know. All I know is we were burning the candle, so the wax was all liquid, and somebody (Stephen or Nicholas) stuck Santa in the wax. Now Santa is trapped in the hardened wax. We could light the candle, melt the wax, and pull the jolly fat man out, or just burn the candle until Santa is free, but then we would lose this great decoration.


Many times when Advent rolls around, not only are we seriously unprepared (we almost never have candles for the Advent wreath), sometimes we even have to buy a new Advent wreath. But not this year.

No, this year we were more than prepared. This year we had our candles and the wreath to go with it.img_3658 This year we have the advent calendar out,img_3650 and all the pieces ready to be hung up.img_3594 This year we even have a Jesse Tree img_3600(something I don’t even remember doing before now)! Yep, I think it is safe to say we were all prepared this year. Then again this post is a little late…

The Pouncing Bobcat!

Today Veronica showed me her very first comic book! Maybe Stephen has a replacement. The comic is called the Pouncing Bobcat. 102916011029160210291603b10291604It depicts what Veronica does in the morning: Jump out of bed, snuggle, eat a peanut butter snack, and eat an Ibis (wait…). Pretty good for a seven year old. Veronica says she would make more comics but she can never keep an idea in her head long enough to write it. Looks like you’re safe for now Stephen.

Another Use!

Remember Stephen’s post about the uses of plastic swords? Well, as it turns out Veronica has figured out her own use for them. So the other day Veronica came up to Mom and said, “Hey Mom, look at my new insignia.” 20160922_100809 Mom said, “I didn’t know you had an insignia.” Veronica said, “Now I do!” Looks like those plastic swords can also be used for insignias. Who knew?


So, Nicholas got a bunch of glow-sticks recently, and we were all playing with them when I discovered something very odd. For some reason Veronica, Christopher, and Robert all call the glow-sticks, (and I’m quoting them here) “Burritos”.

I just wonder why they call them that. I guess burritos, and glow-sticks are both cylinders… no, it’s just weird.