Bare Feet no More!

So as I was walking out to bring in groceries today, and what should I run into, but a dog. Yep, a big brown dog just staring at me. So I started to go back inside but the dog was following me. Now here I got in a bit of a pickle. Because I didn’t want to try to go inside, and have it follow me, and I didn’t want to stay outside with what might be a stray dog (there are a couple in our neighborhood). To make matters worse I had no shoes on, so even though it looked friendly, if it attacked me I couldn’t kick it, and have it bite my foot. Luckily, Nicholas came out and told it to shoo, and it was friendly so it left. Still, I have resolved to wear shoes from now on.

Toads in Florida

So a couple days ago Nicholas was taking out the trash and he called us out to show us something. As it turns out it was this very large toad.kimg0603

We all watched it for a while, and were really quite impressed with this small rotund creature. The funny thing is, though this toad was fairly large, it was just an ordinary toad. We had frogs in Ohio by the dozens every year, and took little notice of them. Then when we moved to Florida we thought the lizards were quite the novelty. I had never seen a lizards in person before we moved to Florida, because they could not survive the winter in Ohio. Now we think nothing of the lizards and think frogs are a novelty! However, lizards do still freak out Mom  if they get in the living room.

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Yeah, this what happens when you write like people in movies. But who can blame them? I like beating on the keyboard too.


“We do not run in the house, and use the footstool as a diving board to get on the sofa!” Veronica may have been feeling a little rambunctious this morning. Yep, that’s just another one of the weird things Mom never thought she’d have to say as a parent. It’s almost as bad as the time when the older boys were little, and she had to make a rule about keeping your forks below your head while you eat. Or the time she had to tell Nicholas, (and he was a lot younger at the time, but still) not to drop cars on Stephen’s head. Who thinks that’s a good idea in the first place!

The Shelf

So today I finished a brand new shelf!20161122_082723

Now all Stephen’s retro Lego can sit on top of it. And Nicholas, Stephen, Jonathan, and I can all store two of our favorite hats on it (the two I put up are on the left end). As cool as it may look though it’s not as if I came up with it. Dad designed the shelf I just built it. But now we have more room to store hats and Lego. Because who doesn’t need more room for Lego.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I know I did not put up many posts about Christmas, and I would have, but we were really busy, and besides we did not even start decorating till yesterday. Maybe I will write a post about the decorations or our gifts later, but right now we haven’t even opened our gifts yet. Till then I hope you all have a wonderful time at your parties or at home. Merry Christmas!

Polar Opposites

So, this evening while we were doing the dishes, we were discussing the North and South poles, and Stephen pointed out something rather amusing. The phrase Polar Opposites means that two things are very different, but the poles are two of the most identical places on earth! They both have a sunless winter, and they have similar housing conditions, because no one wants to live there because it’s freezing!

I Came Here to see a Man Beat on Gorrilas

Not whatever that was.

The other night we watched the new Tarzan movie.  This was a sad mistake.  Not only was the movie quite anti-Catholic (which is truly annoying in this era of so called inclusion. Apparently we are to be accepting of anything today, except for religion), but also the movie was a total travesty in it’s portrayal of Tarzan.

I greatly enjoyed the original Tarzan books by Edgar Burrows, and I could have lived with the serious dubbing down of the ape mans superhuman powers (I mean what kind of Tarzan can’t beat Akut?), but the total alteration of his character is unforgivable.  Tarzan was not the sad Englishman who reviled his former way of life and reluctantly embraced his past as he was portrayed in the movie.  Rather, he was a proud, but noble man who took great joy in life.  He was a man of honor, even as a wild man.

He loved his home and his wild ways and did the much greater feat of giving up what was most dear to him to please his wife.  Indeed he would not even have worn more than a loin clothe, but to please Jane.  Not that Tarzan ever enjoyed killing other men, rather he always knew it was unnatural and avoided it as much as possible.

Tarzan was also not a naturalist as he is always portrayed in modern media.  He liked animals, but he understood he was above them and had no problem killing them, even killing them for sport.  The animals followed him if not because they liked him, because they knew he was far more powerful than them.  The Tarzan in the book was greatly different than the one portrayed in the movie and this is greatly disappointing.

Also why was Nicholas Rokoff not his villain?

Suffice it to say, I was not impressed.