So a while ago Anne picked up the knack for knitting. Often while we sit and watch a movie Anne will half watch, while her fingers continue to knit. Anne doesn’t knit scarfs or blankets or hats (although she could). Instead she knits wash cloths! They’re really neat wash cloths and some them have cool designs on them. And as you wash with them, because of the way they are made they stretch. Yeah, knit wash cloths are the best!
Tag: Humour
So as it turns out Yesterday was far more interesting than I thought it would be. We moved around a BUNCH of comic book boxes and other band stuff, moving them all into the studio.
It does look a little disorganized, but it’s far better than all those good comics and stuff getting ruined in the garage. Besides I think it makes it look more soundroomy. We also hung up a cool new stained glass ornament in the front window.
It looks pretty neat if you ask me.
Monday Morning
It’s always difficult to write a blog post on Monday. Mainly because my brain is flooded with the overwhelming fact that I have to do school again. Not to mention the fact that I still kinda sore from crawling around in the attic Friday and Saturday. But hey, that’s what I’m going to be doing today: school work. Oh, and practicing.
Anne’s New Bike
Peter Piper
So, I was thinking about the tongue twister Peter Piper. The first line is, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” Now if you think about it, pickling is a process that you do after you have picked the plant. So what plant does Peter Piper have that it can grow already pickled peppers. Think about that for awhile.