It’s always difficult to write a blog post on Monday. Mainly because my brain is flooded with the overwhelming fact that I have to do school again. Not to mention the fact that I still kinda sore from crawling around in the attic Friday and Saturday. But hey, that’s what I’m going to be doing today: school work. Oh, and practicing.
Tag: Monday
Why Would you Have a Test on a Monday?
You guessed it I have a test today. A midterm actually, and it promises to be grueling (well at least unpleasant). So I ask in all seriousness, why on earth on a Monday? I’m not complaining… no I guess I am, but I have a good reason too, darn it!
Scheduling a test on the day immediately after a weekend is a sure way to ruin a weekend. After all, that’s your only time to study.
Aside from this arduous fact, the test is scheduled on the one day everything is guaranteed to go wrong on a Monday. Mondays are so bad that they make their way into eighties songs and popular comic strips as the subject of scorn and derision.
The only reason I can think that someone would willfully put their test on Monday is because they hate all their students and want them to fail!… too much? You’re right, too much.
But it sure is annoying.