An Easier Way

You know I always think that there should an easier way to do things. Like when an author describes something in a really weird and confusing way instead just using a normal, understandable, sentence. Like when a person says something looks like a raging blue prairie instead of just saying that the water foamed and crashed around the boat (from Moby Dick). Or when all those linguists tried to figure out ancient Egyptian texts. They should have just asked an ancient Egyptian. And all the scientists who calculated the circumference of the world, they could have just used a tape-measure. Seriously though, some book descriptions are not understandable.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas My Family Gave to Me…


Nicholas, Jonathan, and I all got our school books for the next semester.  Scholastic books are really boring so I won’t bother taking pictures, but I will show you the younger children’s books.

Veronica’s (I think she already finished it!)

I don’t know anything about these books, but they look really cool.  Maybe my siblings will tell you about them in a future blog post!