St. Patrick

Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day! So happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! I would have said this yesterday, but I completely forgot about the blog. It was also Mom’s birthday. Okay not really. But Mom’s phone really thought it was. The day before Yesterday it kept saying it would be Mom’s birthday. Since the reminder was completely wrong, Mom deleted it. And Yesterday it came back! Mom’s phone was convinced Yesterday was her birthday. It was really weird.

Bee Slayer!

So the other day Christopher, Robert, and I noticed a swarm of bugs flying outside the studio window (we call the room in the back the studio, because that is where we practice).  We realized the bugs were a bunch of bees, swarming around the palm tree.

Later that day when we went outside we found that the bee had quickly constructed a large hive in the palm tree. Since it was later in the day the bee were far less active, so Dad took the bee killer, sprayed the nest all over, and then ran inside. The bees were as mad as hornets (or maybe bees)! They flew around palm tree like crazy, attempting to find their tormentor, but to no avail.

By time we came back to see if any of the bees had survived the nest had already fallen off the palm tree. All that was left of that mighty bee army, was one solitary bee, who flew around the palm tree, looking for his lost city. A city he would never find, for it had been destroyed by my Father, the bee slayer.

A Cautionary Tale

A Cautionary Tale About Trying to Hard to be Fair

 (In the style of Aesop’s Fables)

Once there were three distinguished gentlemen eating five evenly sized pastries. After each man had had one there were still two left. Not wishing to be rude, nor really wanting to exclude themselves from the treat, they decided to cut them all in half. After having once again eaten their fair share there still one half left. This they split in four equal pieces. Then the eighth that was left was divided in fourths, and so on, and so on, until there was only a molecule left. This they divided so that there was only an atom left. Which they split. Unfortunately the resulting atomic explosion killed them all.


So today Veronica served Robert, Stephen, and I in her pretend restaurant. Since we were just in a pretend restaurant in Veronica’s room we obviously were not using normal dishes. We all had a shoe for our plate, and around them were bobby pins, and I foolishly mistook them for french fries. Apparently they were are silverware. The rest of the meal was quite delicious (or as good as an invisible meal can be) but I had to eat it without silverware.

Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi day everybody! Today is the 3rd month of the year and the 14th day of the month. So today is 3/14 or Pi day! That means we should all celebrate by doing math problems involving Pi, like finding the diameter of a circle, or the area of a cylinder.  If you want to have real fun you could find the area of a sphere…or maybe eating normal pie would be more fun.

I Try Really Hard

You know I try really hard to make this blog, both interesting and amusing. The problem is some days nothing of substance happens. Then I have to try to think of something put on the blog which ultimately becomes, I’m just going to say it, insane gibberish. It’s a small problem for me. So I just wanted to say, so I have it on record, I am not an insane person. Then again that’s what crazy person would say…


Many of you know that today is the beginning of Daylight savings time. I know this because yesterday, Stephen’s phone told him that Daylight savings time begins all day today. What I bet you did not know, is that today is not Sunday, but actually Monday. After all if Daylight savings begins all day today, then at 12 the clock goes forward to 1 then it begins again, and 1 goes to 2 etc. etc. until it’s Monday. Dang, now we have to do school again.

Animal Show

Veronica put on an animal (stuffed animals) show today. There was a dinosaur that sword fought with its tail. A pink bear did gymnastics. There was a penguin that flew, and a duck that jumped at peoples faces. But the best act was a little pink mouse that ran around saying, “LITTLE PINK MOUSEY, LITTLE PINK MOUSEY, LITTLE PINK MOUSEY.” This act was clearly the best. After all the mouse was talking.