It’s Not My Fault, Coffee Did it!

I have a terrible migraine today.  In case you’ve never had one, a migraine is a lot like a headache, only it feels like there’s a jackhammer right behind one of your eyes.  Like the responsible adult I am I have decided that my headache is clearly due to not getting enough coffee two days ago (thanks to the broken carafe) and not due to me staying up until one thirty last night writing an assembly level computer program to solve the quadratic equation (I only had a week to do the assignment so…I have no idea what I was thinking).

This bit of genius (blaming my headache on coffee not working into the A.M. on a complex computer program) lead me to an even greater stroke of genius.  I’ll just blame all my problems on coffee (or rather lack of coffee).  I play my song wrong, not enough coffee.  I draw Nightstick, but he looks like a badger, not enough coffee.  I drop a plate while clearing the table, too little caffeine.  It’s a perfect plan!

Is Florida Poly Trying to Tell me Something?

I mean they better be, otherwise I better change schools, but that’s not what I mean.   I received a notification today that I was eligible for early course registration (I finally get to register with the big boys!).  Early registration for the spring semester begins on October 31st… at midnight.

Is the next semester going to haunt me?

Why Would you Have a Test on a Monday?

You guessed it I have a test today.  A midterm actually, and it promises to be grueling (well at least unpleasant). So I ask in all seriousness, why on earth on a Monday?  I’m  not complaining… no I guess I am, but I have a good reason too, darn it!

Scheduling a test on the day immediately after a weekend is a sure way to ruin a weekend.  After all, that’s your only time to study.

Aside from this arduous fact, the test is scheduled on the one day everything is guaranteed to go wrong on a Monday.  Mondays are so bad that they make their way into eighties songs and popular comic strips as the subject of scorn and derision.

The only reason I can think that someone would willfully put their test on Monday is because they hate all their students and want them to fail!… too much?  You’re right, too much.

But it sure is annoying.

Big Thanks to Grace Manor!

A big thanks to the Grace Manor for having us come play our show yesterday.  We had a great time and the staff was very helpful.  The people there were all enthusiastic and appreciative. They really seemed to like our show, almost as much as they liked Veronica.  She is a tiny ham.

Me and My Saxophone

(Of course I just posted a picture of me so I’m not really one to talk.)

At Grace Manor

We had so much fun performing we forgot to take any pictures except for Nicholas who had the presence of mind to take the one of me and one of our delightful audience.

This is Why no One Likes Drummers

As you probably know I’m part of a band called Longbow.  All of my bands members are also my family members (which is really nice because I already know all their names!).  Yesterday we were practicing together.

Dad said, “That wasn’t quite right, go back to the key change.”

To which Nicholas – in all seriousness – replied, “What exactly is a key change?”

Nicholas has been playing the drums for years, but he still didn’t know what a key change is, because he never had to learn.  He never had to learn!


If I was Water I Wouldn’t Get Wet!

I was working outside in the rain with my younger brother Jonathan when it started raining (in Florida the weather can go from sunny to rainy in 0.0 seconds).  As my brother and I were pelted with atmospheric precipitation Jonathan says to me,  “You know sometimes I wish I were made out of water so I wouldn’t get wet.”

“What?” I cried incredulously, “You wouldn’t be wet, you’d be water, you’d be the embodiment of wet.”

Jonathan stuck to his guns, “Water can’t be wet.”

Now you might think that Jonathan was on to some great philosophical truth for wanting to be water to avoid being wet, but I think it’s crazy, I just wanted an umbrella.

Little Mecca of Cool

Here are a few stanzas of a poem I wrote for school  about my home, Lakeland.  It’s short and maybe a little corny, but I like it, it’s about my home.


If you need a little relaxation
or a change in climate
Or maybe a vacation.
With a fruitful diet.

There’s a real hep spot down Florida way
Little Mecca of Cool Lakeland U.S.A

Where the orange trees grow
And the lakes are blue.
The tropic breezes blow
They got gators too!

So have a swell time were the palm trees sway
Little Mecca of Cool, Lakeland U.S.A.!

Tiny Plastic Swords, Why Not?

But perhaps the bigger question is why?  I mean I like the tiny swords too.  They fascinated me as a youth walking through the grocery store, but now I wonder who decided, “Hey, I’m tired of using tooth picks to hold my maraschino cherries I need something cooler, something more exotic, and I don’t mean those little paper umbrellas (they are too feminine),” and then went on to invent the multicolor, transparent, plastic rapier.

Why were these things invented, why? Oh wait, never mind I figured it out.


Someone wanted discount giant lego swords!

Orthographic Art

Since I’m sure you all love school work as much as I do I thought I’d share today’s assignment.  I needed to create an orthographic image of something so I took this sketchh-a-t-s-mobile-sketchand drew this.h-a-t-s-mobileI actually really liked this assignment.  In an orthographic drawing everything has to line up from one picture to the next (the body of the car is always the same width, the top is the same height, the opening is the same width, ect.) so this project required a fair bit of precision.  It was sort of an intersection between art and math, my two favorite subjects.