
So what am I going to write about today? NOTHING absolutely NOTHING. In fact you should probably just stop reading this post. It just isn’t worth it because I am just going to stop writing…. Are you still here? Seriously I have nothing to say and if there is one thing I hate it’s people who say they are going to stop talking or writing but never do because they know that if there are words on the page your eyes will naturally read it. It could continue on into infinity. Seriously if you are going to stop just do it. But I’m done I’m just going to stop writing right now… Okay now I’m done… Definitely the last thing…



So, Nicholas got a bunch of glow-sticks recently, and we were all playing with them when I discovered something very odd. For some reason Veronica, Christopher, and Robert all call the glow-sticks, (and I’m quoting them here) “Burritos”.

I just wonder why they call them that. I guess burritos, and glow-sticks are both cylinders… no, it’s just weird.

Mistress of Laughter

Ah, Anne. She is the only person I know who can sit and laugh for five minutes straight, and after much quizzing and questioning you can just make out between giggles that she does not even know why she was laughing she simply started laughing because someone else was. She’s great at parties though. She always laughs at your jokes even if she does not understand them. The best part is it’s not as if she fake laughs. She is quite sincere in her laughter. One of her friends even described it as contagious. Yep she laughs so heartily that she can have everyone in stitches over literally nothing! There’s one sad part though. She rarely finishes an amusing story because the minute she starts talking about it she busts out laughing!

Dragons Beware!

Dragons beware! This is my sword.20161103_133606And not only is it sharp, but it is also full tang, (I like sounding intelligent… especially about swords) and it has been blessed by Father Ramon. So now I am ready to fight any monster that dare enter my neighborhood. Of course I haven’t seen any dragons in the area yet… that’s how I know it’s working.

Happy All Saints Day!

Every year for all saints day my family and I dress up as different saints.  This year was no exception.  Except some of us were not strictly dressed up as “saints”.20151101_133205Back row left to right 1. Jonathan is St. Giuseppe Moscati 2. I am Blessed Miguel Pro 3. Nicholas is Blessed Jose Anacleto González Flores 4. Stephen is G.K. Chesterton (cause for canonization is open but he is not yet a saint) Stephen cheated a little. Front row left to right 5.Anne is St. Barbara 6.Veronica is St. Kateri Tekakwitha 7.Robert and Christopher are St. Cosmos and St. Damian.  Stephen was not dressed up as a person who is officially a saint yet, but we really like Chesterton’s books, and besides Father Miguel Pro isn’t officially a saint either.