Many of you know that today is the beginning of Daylight savings time. I know this because yesterday, Stephen’s phone told him that Daylight savings time begins all day today. What I bet you did not know, is that today is not Sunday, but actually Monday. After all if Daylight savings begins all day today, then at 12 the clock goes forward to 1 then it begins again, and 1 goes to 2 etc. etc. until it’s Monday. Dang, now we have to do school again.
Tag: Family
Animal Show
Veronica put on an animal (stuffed animals) show today. There was a dinosaur that sword fought with its tail. A pink bear did gymnastics. There was a penguin that flew, and a duck that jumped at peoples faces. But the best act was a little pink mouse that ran around saying, “LITTLE PINK MOUSEY, LITTLE PINK MOUSEY, LITTLE PINK MOUSEY.” This act was clearly the best. After all the mouse was talking.
So today we did… stuff.
what, have you ever tried writing something everyday! They can’t all be winners. Besides we did do… stuff.
Green Pool
So yesterday I put up a post about how we painted the pool deck, but if you remember I never showed a picture with the pool uncovered. That’s because currently our pool is rather… green. Yeah, you can’t even see a foot into it.
We let it turn green because the algae bonds with a chemical in the pool which, when we clean out the algae, will come out with it. And that will be nice I’m sure, but I still don’t like not being able to tell if an alligator is in the pool or not.
Today Christopher, Robert, and I painted the pool deck. So, this post will obviously be a before and after post. This is what it looked like before.
Previously Robert and I had sealed all the cracks in the pool deck, so the trails were visible all over the deck.
After we painted it however, (see I said “after”) you could hardly see the cracks.
Now it looks much better.
Three Musketeers
So we recently watched the 2011 Three Musketeers movie, and I realized the musketeers in that movie, weren’t just really good swordsman, but they also had superpowers. Porthos was super strong (I mean SUPER strong), capable of ripping chains out cement walls. d’Artagnan had super luck powers, allowing him to walk through bullet storms, and hordes of armed enemy men. Aramis was basically just cooler than everyone else (no really I think that was his power). And finally Athos had the power of being whiny and kinda annoying. The movie also stole lines from the Princess Bride. I feel like this is important for some reason.
Gardenia Buffet
When we got up a couple of days ago we saw this guy having his breakfast in the gardenia. There must be plenty of bugs and lizards in the gardenia, because he has sitting in it eating every morning for the past few days. I think we should make him pay for it, you know like a bed and breakfast, or a hotel.
Ash Wednesday
Happy Ash Wednesday. Today marks the beginning of lent. It is also the day that Catholics everywhere try to see how long they can keep the ash on their foreheads (because that obviously makes them holier). Stephen can’t do this for very long because he hates having dirt on his head.
Mardi Gras!
Happy Mardi Gras everyone (that’s french for fat Tuesday)! And it’s Nicholas’ birthday! So yeah, in case you were wondering, we are definitely going to be partying today. Anyways I hope you all haveĀ good day today, because this is the last big celebration before Easter.
So, I was going to write an interesting blog post today, but then I decided… Nah, it’s Sunday I’m just gonna be lazy.