On the Eighth Day of Christmas My Family Gave to Me…

Oh so many wondrous things!

January first was the little boy’s day of Christmas, so it was also a big day.  They gave Dad two rotatable, clip-on lights.  Dad has been saying for a while that he needed a lights to see the sound mixer inside our custom radio speaker, but the speaker is another story.
They gave Mom new disks for her brand new sewing machine.  These make the sewing machines perform different, special stitches and Mom really wanted them, so these were a great gift.

Next Nicholas got a pair of spurs.
You know, to wear with his cowboy boots.

I got an expansion pack for my new game!We’ve been playing the game a lot since I got it and I really wanted this expansion, but I never thought the little boys would get it for me.

Christopher and Robert gave Jonathan a Lego set much like the one I got a few days ago, but this set has Spider-man and The Green Goblin!

Nathaniel also got Lego.  His was a Galaxy Squad set.

 In my opinion, Galaxy Squad is one of the coolest Lego themes in the last ten years.

Anne got a book, but not just any book, she got “Jean Craig Finds Romance.”  Anne had the first two Jean Craig books and really wanted the third.

Robert also gave Christopher Galaxy Squad Lego.

Christopher gave Robert more art supplies: tracing paper, mechanical pencils, and a pack of Sharpies.

Despite the great gifts we all received the highlight of the evening was Veronica receiving her gift.  There’s something uniquely amusing about a seven year old girl unwrapping the that box, clutching it excitedly to her bosom and shouting, “Tiny Girl!”

Apparently Veronica owned this set several years ago and named the robot Tiny Girl.  The set has long since been lost to the mixed Lego and Veronica has been trying to rebuild her.  I’m really glad Veronica liked her gift, but who would have guessed that this set would be named Tiny Girl.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas My Family Gave to Me…

my favorite Lego set ever!

Robin is my favorite superhero (outside of the Longbow Universe of course) and I have been wanting this set since I saw it in the Lego magazine.   I was so thrilled with my gift that I built it immediately after I opened it, I didn’t even stop to take today’s picture!

As for everyone else, they got… …all this!

From left to right, Veronica now has a Spirograph, not just any Spirograph, but a Super Spirograph.  It comes with a bunch of different pieces to make different designs.

Robert has a Hobbit clock, it shows times for breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, afternoon tea, diner, and supper.

Christopher got a Metal Earth helicopter.  In case you didn’t know, Metal Earth makes small models that come as flat sheets of metal with designs in them and perforations to fold them.  You cut them out and then fold them into the model.

Anne got nail polish.  I understand this is a good gifts for girls, but I don’t get it.

Nathaniel also got a Metal Earth kit.  His was The Black Pearl, our first Metal Earth boat.

Jonathan received a pocket microscope.  Now he can carry a microscope with him at all times for emergencies.

I got the Lego set (which I have talked about sufficiently).

Nicholas was given Gunslinger.  It’s a cowboy themed card game.  Now he has a nerd game too!

Mom gave herself a new pair of shoes.  Another girl gift I don’t really get.

Finally, Dad got a Metal Earth plane to build.

Yep, today was another big  day of Christmas.


On the Fourth Day of Christmas My Family Gave to Me…

Obviously yesterday is what would be considered a “bigger” day, but we didn’t open the gifts until later.  Nicholas and I were out working and we didn’t get home until 5:30.  After we came home the family ate dinner, and then we had to clean up.

Now I don’t mind opening gifts late, but I think the suspense was getting to some of my younger siblings.  Apparently Robert told Mom that we where just staying out so that everyone had to wait!  He was joking of course, he knows we wouldn’t strain their curiosity intentionally.  Plus,  Nicholas doesn’t like to wait either.

When we did finally open the gifts and sate my siblings swelling thirst for satisfaction, we found that the day didn’t really have a theme, except perhaps that most of the gifts could be used by multiple people (what could be more glorious than ten big gifts that everyone can use!?).

Gifts from Dad to Jonathan (top row) and Nathaniel to Veronica (bottom row)

Dad and Mom got a set of rubber coated kitchen utensils to use with their brand new ceramic coated copper pots and pans (which they also got today)!  Mom has wanted ceramic pans for a while as they work well for eggs, because they have a non-stick surface, but they don’t use Teflon which can peel off and prove detrimental to your health.

Nicholas got a new phone, because his phone has been dropping calls, no doubt due to the phone itself being dropped one too many times (admittedly the last time was my fault).

I own a sizable bottle cap collection, so I got a bottle cap dart game.  It’s a large magnetic dart board in the shape of a bottle cap.  The game also came with bottle caps to throw at the board, but I have cooler “darts” to use.

Jonathan got a Wii video game that Nicholas and I found at a garage sale for two dollars.  The case actually had two games inside “Wii Sports Resort” and “Wii Sports.”

Nathaniel was given some sparring gear for him and the younger boys to use.

Anne received another video game, “Mario Kart Wii.”  Nicholas and I also picked this game up, same garage sale, same price.  This was quite the find since that game still sells for 30 – 40 dollars on ebay, even though it’s for an outdated system!

Christopher unwrapped the other set of sparring gear to use to battle Nathaniel.

Robert received an art pack and a sketch pad, because he is quite an art enthusiast.

Finally, Veronica opened (actually we opened from youngest to oldest last night, but who’s keeping track?) a cross stitch kit for an owl picture.  This gift was perfect for her.  She calls him Oliver the Unfinished Owl, but she’s been working on him all day and I think she’s almost finished!

On the First Day of Christmas My Family Gave to Me….

A bunch of games!  Actually everyone got one game.  You see in our house instead of getting all of our presents on Christmas day we get one present a day for the twelve days of Christmas.  Mom and Dad handle the gift giving for most of the days of Christmas, but the groups of the children have taken it upon themselves to give the gifts for one day each (that way the parents still get to be surprised). Anne and Nathaniel like to do the first day of Christmas (they are historically impatient), so yesterday they gave us our gifts.

From left to right (and youngest to oldest), Veronica got Mousetrap (one of my old favorites).  Robert got a Lord of the Rings card game and Christopher got the same game so that four people can play together (in a large family you want very few two player games).  Anne broke the theme a little, Nathaniel gave her a kit for crocheting Marvel superheros.  Anne gave Nathaniel a display case for his bug collection (now he can stop keeping it in a shoe box in our bathroom).  This gift was also a little off theme, but Jonathan got us back on track with a monster based dice/card/board game, King of Tokyo.  I got a very cool superhero card game Sentinels of the Multiverse. Nicholas got the classic game Battleship.  Mom broke theme again, she got eight wash clothes hand knitted by Anne (now you know why Anne got a crochet  kit, she’s very crafty with string and yarn).  Mom also got  a cardboard house to match her cardboard Christmas village.

Finally Dad got Five Crowns a five suit card game.

Pretty cool, huh? I love it when a good theme comes together!


So, Nicholas got a bunch of glow-sticks recently, and we were all playing with them when I discovered something very odd. For some reason Veronica, Christopher, and Robert all call the glow-sticks, (and I’m quoting them here) “Burritos”.

I just wonder why they call them that. I guess burritos, and glow-sticks are both cylinders… no, it’s just weird.

Happy All Saint’s Day!

And to celebrate here’s an extra blog post!  We also all dressed up as saints.

A Saintly Family

Some of our costumes are a little hap hazard, but this is because no one knew we were dressing up until yesterday when Veronica announced, “For All Saints Day I want to dress up as the saint I’m named for!”

So we all had to make costumes between then and now.

True to her word Veronica is St. Veronica,img_3372b

Robert is Fr. Goldmann (WWII German chaplain and author of the autobiography “Shadow of his Wings”),img_3405

Christopher is St. George,img_3387

Anne is St. Gianna Molla,img_3403

Nathaniel is the conquistador Hernan Cortes,img_3383b

Jonathan is Blessed Miguel Pro,img_3373

I am St. George (yes, the same one as Christopher),

and Nicholas is St. Thomas Moore.img_3399

Technically not everyone is a canonized saint, but more technically anyone who is in heaven is a saint and we believe these men to be in heaven, so…close enough.

I considered giving a short bio of all the saints, but that would have taken forever and it’s all ready after ten, so instead, here are some more pictures from today

St. Veronica, the Bobcat
Dragon Fight!
St. Gianna Molla at recline.




Another St. George and another dragon.
St. George at recline




Robert is in the army now!
A vicious battle.
Composing his great works!
St. George and St. George















Some Saints
Some Saints
All Saints