Math Problems

You know what I hate? When you’re trying to explain a math problem to someone and you’ve been trying for a really long time, and you almost think you’ve got it… And they still don’t understand you. I’m afraid this happens with Robert a lot. For some reason when Robert doesn’t understand something he has a hard time figuring it out.

Writers Block

Many of you probably know what writers block is like. You try to write something and the right words don’t come to mind, or you just can’t figure out what to write. This actually happens quite frequently with me (it makes writing a daily blog slightly harder), but I think helps if you start writing something easy, even it has nothing to do with what you are trying to do, or write. Then it becomes easier for me to write something else.

They’re Watching!

As I sit here writing this blog post, Anne just stands behind me. Why, what does she hope to gain. Is she just being creepy? Maybe she is trying to read the post before it is finished. Yes, that must be it. She pretends to be reading something else but I know what she is trying to do. I can’t let that happen! I won’t! But what should do? Maybe if I wait she will leave… A quick glance over my shoulder shows she is still there. Yeah right, just cause the bookcase is behind me people try to trick me into thinking they are reading. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING DO YOU HEAR ME, I KNOW… What do you know she left. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Oh no, it’s Veronica. I KNOW she is trying to read the blog before it’s done. Sometimes, (much to my chagrin), she succeeds.

Giant Grasshopper!

I was going through some old photos and I found these pictures. I figured the best way to present them would be as a short story (a very short story). Oh no! It’s the attack of the giant grasshopper! The swat men fought bravely, but it was hopeless.Finally, the Lego Ninja Force showed up and saved the day.Or not.

Happy Feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph!

Happy Feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph! Though technically Yesterday was the actual day when the feast would normally take place, our parish is celebrating it today. It’s a pretty special feast day, if you ask me. After all St. Joseph is both the patron saint for St. Joseph’s (obviously) and ME!

St. Patrick

Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day! So happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! I would have said this yesterday, but I completely forgot about the blog. It was also Mom’s birthday. Okay not really. But Mom’s phone really thought it was. The day before Yesterday it kept saying it would be Mom’s birthday. Since the reminder was completely wrong, Mom deleted it. And Yesterday it came back! Mom’s phone was convinced Yesterday was her birthday. It was really weird.

Bee Slayer!

So the other day Christopher, Robert, and I noticed a swarm of bugs flying outside the studio window (we call the room in the back the studio, because that is where we practice).  We realized the bugs were a bunch of bees, swarming around the palm tree.

Later that day when we went outside we found that the bee had quickly constructed a large hive in the palm tree. Since it was later in the day the bee were far less active, so Dad took the bee killer, sprayed the nest all over, and then ran inside. The bees were as mad as hornets (or maybe bees)! They flew around palm tree like crazy, attempting to find their tormentor, but to no avail.

By time we came back to see if any of the bees had survived the nest had already fallen off the palm tree. All that was left of that mighty bee army, was one solitary bee, who flew around the palm tree, looking for his lost city. A city he would never find, for it had been destroyed by my Father, the bee slayer.