I know recently I was celebrating the time change due to daylight savings time. I take it all back. “Why?” you ask because now my evening class that used to let out when it was starting to get dark outside, starts when it’s dark outside. I retract everything I said. I am now fully against the idea of setting clocks forwards or backwards.
I know that Mr. Franklin was not behind us adopting daylight savings time, but I have it from reliable sources (children’s cartoons) that it was his idea. As such I am directing all my aggravation towards him.
The one problem with a large family is that when one person gets sick everyone gets sick. I’m afraid I started this one, probably something I brought home from school. This little sickness is a lovely combination of a sore throat and a congestive cough. My favorite part is that now everything smells like burnt pork. The good news is I’m almost better. The bad news is almost everyone else is getting sick, so now I’ll have too do all the jobs they are to sick to do. Oh well, they did the same for me when I was sick, so I bear them no ill will.
I had a chance this week to build and set up my favorite Lego sets of all time.
Those are the from a line of promotional Shell Lego sets. They were purchased by Mom and Dad when I was a little boy and I have always thought they were incredible.
Another incredible thing about these sets is how dated they are. For example look at
This guys boom box…
This guys jacket…
Thisguys sunglasses…
This guys sunglasses… This guys sunglasses…and most of all, the price of gas…
Yes, it’s true, I spell horribly. The more I write for this blog and comic the more I come to realize how truly atrocious my spelling is. I am aware of this defect, but I don’t wear it like a badge of honor as some people do. I once heard someone claim they spell badly because they think so quickly they don’t have the time to spell the words out. Well I spell badly because I’m too lazy to read and too disinterested to properly spellcheck or proofread.
Despite this faults I do want to do better, after all it’s embarrassing when your mother corrects your spelling, but when your kid sister correct your spelling you know it’s really bad, and no, I am not talking about Anne. I am talking about Veronica. She’s seven and I call her my secretary because she looks over my shoulder while I write and tells me when I’ve typed a word wrong. So I apologize for all the misspelled words and all the wrong “theirs.” In the future, if so inclined, please leave a comment letting me know so I can fix the problem and maybe improve. Most importantly always remember…it’s Veronica’s fault!
Daylight savings time ends tomorrow and we all know what that means, another hour of sleep! I love daylight savings time… except in the spring, then I hate it.
As you may have guessed from the title of this post we played at Arbor Oaks recently, last Saturday to be exact. The people there were very enthusiastic, clapping and singing along with our songs. We had a great time and made a short video of from clips of our performance. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.
A few days ago we were asked to perform at our church’s carnival Sunday. So if you want to hear some swinging music and classic comedy (and you live in Florida) come hear League of the Longbow Live at St. Joseph’s.
That’s right it’s another holiday! (As a Catholic you can pretty much just celebrate all the time (except in Lent)). In honor of the occasion Mom had hot soul cakes ready for us when we got up. What are soul cakes you ask? Why these of course!
They’re kind of like a spice cookie with a crunchy exterior and a soft, almost moist, interior, and they taste great!
And to celebrate here’s an extra blog post! We also all dressed up as saints.
Some of our costumes are a little hap hazard, but this is because no one knew we were dressing up until yesterday when Veronica announced, “For All Saints Day I want to dress up as the saint I’m named for!”
So we all had to make costumes between then and now.
True to her word Veronica is St. Veronica,
Robert is Fr. Goldmann (WWII German chaplain and author of the autobiography “Shadow of his Wings”),
Christopher is St. George,
Anne is St. Gianna Molla,
Nathaniel is the conquistador Hernan Cortes,
Jonathan is Blessed Miguel Pro,
I am St. George (yes, the same one as Christopher),
and Nicholas is St. Thomas Moore.
Technically not everyone is a canonized saint, but more technically anyone who is in heaven is a saint and we believe these men to be in heaven, so…close enough.
I considered giving a short bio of all the saints, but that would have taken forever and it’s all ready after ten, so instead, here are some more pictures from today
Today is the start of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). To celebrate the month Nathaniel and Anne are writing novels for their schoolwork! When they are done with their great works of literature we are going to start posting their novels on the blog in serialized form!
I know it’s a little unconventional to post two separate stories on the same blog along with all the other family post, but I never claimed to be typical, or us a typical family. I considered starting another blog especially for the serials, but we already have three blogs and four blogs seemed a little excessive for one family (even a family our size).
So while I don’t claim any of us to be the next Alexander Dumas, I do hope you will all check back in a few weeks to see my siblings work!