
One of the first things I see when I log into WordPress is this little box that says Quick draft. Inside that box are the words What’s on your mind. I was thinking about this and I realized what’s on my mind is always blogging. When I’m on WordPress I always have blogging on my mind. So in answer to your question WordPress: Blogging, always blogging

New Authors

Hi everyone, I’m Stephen. Today in a flash of genius I realized I could create different accounts for each member of the family.  What does this do for us you ask? This makes it so the poor readers(that would be you) can finally tell which family member has written which post!  What?  You knew that all the time? Why didn’t you tell me?

Anyways my genius (or lack thereof) aside, in case you’re not sure which member of the family I am I’ve attached a family picture.

Colorful Clothes!
My Family and I

I’m the tall blonde one…Oh with blue eyes.