I think that I’ve mentioned before that I drive a convertible. This is not a good thing, it’s a great thing. I love the feel of the sun in my face the wind in my hair (that sounds a little feminine for me, but you get the pic…
Get it?! Get ?!…I’ll show myself out again).
The glories of bad puns aside, there is one major problem with driving a roofless car, and no, it is not the sudden Florida gales, and no it is not the cold weather (it’s Florida people). Sometimes while you’re carefreely cruising in coveted convertible you come across a scent that is less than succulent. Usually these atrocious aromas pass quickly stemming from a local garbage dump or the carcass of an unfortunate animal. This is not the major problem. This problem is minor, trivial even, when compared to the joys of riding the vehicle.
The major problem is when you’re driving along and the noxious smell follows you. After a few minutes you wonder how that stench of petroleum and exhaust is traveling the road with you? Has some toxic waste dump gained sentience and started chasing you down the road? Then you look up and notice the semi ahead of you belching fumes and you think, “That’s gonna be in front of me the whole drive…” and you’re right.