New Authors

Hi everyone, I’m Stephen. Today in a flash of genius I realized I could create different accounts for each member of the family.  What does this do for us you ask? This makes it so the poor readers(that would be you) can finally tell which family member has written which post!  What?  You knew that all the time? Why didn’t you tell me?

Anyways my genius (or lack thereof) aside, in case you’re not sure which member of the family I am I’ve attached a family picture.

Colorful Clothes!
My Family and I

I’m the tall blonde one…Oh with blue eyes.

A Tiny Girl and her Clarinet

20160928_083551That’s right, Veronica is learning the clarinet!  So as the senior woodwind player (well now I feel old), I am in charge of teaching her.

As you may know, Veronica is the youngest in the family  (only seven years old).  You might not know that we did not give her the nickname tiny girl.  Rather, this was self inflicted.  When she was a toddler Veronica would declare, “I’m a tiny girl,” pretty much in any and all situations.

But I digress, At 42 pounds Veronica’s still pretty little, especially since her brothers look like a football team when all together (minus the shiny pants).  She’s so little in fact that her slim fingers don’t cover the bottom holes on the clarinet! (well I guess playing scales is out).  Furthermore, when she first started playing the instrument I had to hold the bell while she was playing because she wasn’t strong enough to hold the massive woodwind!  Despite this small obstacle (get it?) she’s doing amazingly well and can play five songs!  Great job Veronica give yourself a pat on the back (just not while holding the clarinet please!)20160928_083650