The Sewing Shelf

My mother is an avid sewer and like most seamstresses she has a small collection of fabric for future projects.  So when we recently redecorated her room we added a nice little shelf for her fabric.  A twelve square foot shelf.

After we were done Mom began sorting her fabric onto the shelf.  She was going to take a picture of the shelf to send to her friends in Ohio.  She said she was trying to find the balance between having an insane amount of fabric on the shelf and having so little that it was clear she wasn’t showing her whole stash because she didn’t want to show that she had an insane amount of fabric.

Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture when this balance was achieved so instead you can see her entire -neatly organized- collection.img_3499

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Stephen is the saxophone player for Longbow and draws the H.A.T.S. comics and the Between Class Comics.

2 thoughts on “The Sewing Shelf”

  1. The exact quote is that I was trying to strike a balance between “crazy fabric hoarder, and I am clearly not showing you all the fabric so you don’t THINK I am a crazy fabric hoarder.”

  2. Oh yes, thank you. To be honest I forgot the exact quote, but your exact words are much better.

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