Sunday Comic!
Happy All Saints Day!
Every year for all saints day my family and I dress up as different saints. This year was no exception. Except some of us were not strictly dressed up as “saints”.Back row left to right 1. Jonathan is St. Giuseppe Moscati 2. I am Blessed Miguel Pro 3. Nicholas is Blessed Jose Anacleto González Flores 4. Stephen is G.K. Chesterton (cause for canonization is open but he is not yet a saint) Stephen cheated a little. Front row left to right 5.Anne is St. Barbara 6.Veronica is St. Kateri Tekakwitha 7.Robert and Christopher are St. Cosmos and St. Damian. Stephen was not dressed up as a person who is officially a saint yet, but we really like Chesterton’s books, and besides Father Miguel Pro isn’t officially a saint either.
Sunday Comic!
Sunday Comic!
In Class Comics!
Sunday Comic!
Tongue Twisters!
Today I wrote a couple short tongue twisters. Being tongue twisters they, of course, make no sense. The first is as follows: We’ve long labored losingly on little lavender lintels. The first is not the best but they do get better. My Mom made me marry merry Mary Maple. I really like the use of the many Marys in that one. My favorite overall though is this one. Gnomes know Gnat Knights need neither kneel nor knock now.