Go Kart Racing

While Mom, Dad, Anne, and Veronica were on vacation the week before last, all the boys went Go Kart racing one of the days they were gone.  There were two different tracks you could race on.  One of the tracks had a lot of turns in it, the other track while it still had turns they weren’t as sharp, there weren’t as many of them, and with longer stretches of track at a time.  The karts start off really slow and gradually gets faster unless you run into something (which when you are beginning is really hard not to do) a lot in which case the kart is slowed down dramatically because the people who own the karts do not want the karts broken.  When you get better at driving you can drive around the track without having to slow down.  At this point you can get up to very good speeds, and when this happens if you haven’t used the brakes up to that point, you either HAVE to use the brakes or use the gas a lot less.  We raced three races and had a lot of fun.  Sadly, since we were all racing we could not take any pictures.

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Nathaniel is the main trumpet player for Longbow and handles much of the blog work. He is currently being homeschooled through high school.

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