Attack of the Car Gremlins

There comes a time in every car’s life when it decides it needs to break. This week we had two cars acting up. First the boys convertible became became a ‘vertible (that’s a convertible that won’t convert). After a few hours of work, including  pulling the backseat, Jonathan and Nicholas replaced the leaky, passengers side, hydraulic cylinder.

Something is Missing?
Something is Missing?

The job is really not a long or difficult one, it’s really just slightly inconvenient. It could be a lot worse!

It goes down AND up!
It goes down AND up!

Then later on Dad got back to the house and his car has overheating. Popped the hood to hear a loud hissing and see some leaking coolant (warm coolant is special smell). Turns out the culprit was a loose thermostat housing bolt. One of the boys tightened a bolt yesterday, but not the right one.  They got the right one today.

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Nathaniel is the main trumpet player for Longbow and handles much of the blog work. He is currently being homeschooled through high school.

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