Last Sunday (May 17th) Stephen, Nicholas, and I traveled to Jacksonville to host an artist’s table at the North Florida Comic Con. The goal was to showcase the comic and get out and meet people (maybe even see some fans). We left home base, also known as home, around 4:30 am. Our goal was to make the three hour drive and reach the Ramada, where the con was held, around 8:30. Plenty of time to set up! Nicholas did the driving, while Stephen and I handled the sleeping in the car part. It was a hard job, but someone had to do it! We got to the con on time and were set up by ten when people began to arrive. Here’s the set up table.

The ZBG was properly displayed and steaming away behind the table in all its zombie stopping glory.

We were prepared…. just in case. Another group arrived in this sweet ride.
Looks like they were concerned about zombies as well. Hope that fires potatoes!
Nicholas left the table shortly after the con started and walked around checking out the other booths and meeting other artists and vendors.There were several comic booths like this one. Our table was right next to one. John was the name of the man running it and he had a lot of neat stuff! Stephen and I spent our downtime looking at the 50 cent bins. I found some neat stuff in them!
We met Josh Rudloff, the artist for Dan in Space. He had a pretty nifty shirt!
This is the Gizmo Candy table. The candy shop is owned by Shy. She and father, Zane, were running the table. Nicholas returned from their table with espresso and chocolate pudding jelly beans. Part of a complete breakfast!
We also saw a lot of cool costumes!
Stephen may have tried to get the infinity stone. He said he needed it for research, definitely not for ruling the world.
Doc, the G.I. Joe medic, was on had to attend to injuries (I saw none, but it pays to be safe).
Ironman and
The Punisher
also put in an appearance. Yeah the con was in good hands (but no D.C. heroes…odd).
Last, but not least, we met this trendy trombone man!
Great Post!
Thank you!