Happy All Saints Day!

Every year for all saints day my family and I dress up as different saints.  This year was no exception.  Except some of us were not strictly dressed up as “saints”.20151101_133205Back row left to right 1. Jonathan is St. Giuseppe Moscati 2. I am Blessed Miguel Pro 3. Nicholas is Blessed Jose Anacleto González Flores 4. Stephen is G.K. Chesterton (cause for canonization is open but he is not yet a saint) Stephen cheated a little. Front row left to right 5.Anne is St. Barbara 6.Veronica is St. Kateri Tekakwitha 7.Robert and Christopher are St. Cosmos and St. Damian.  Stephen was not dressed up as a person who is officially a saint yet, but we really like Chesterton’s books, and besides Father Miguel Pro isn’t officially a saint either.

Tongue Twisters!

Today I wrote a couple short tongue twisters.  Being tongue twisters they, of course,  make no sense.  The first is as follows: We’ve long labored losingly on little lavender lintels.   The first is not the best but they do get better.  My Mom made me marry merry Mary Maple.  I really like the use of the many Marys in that one.  My favorite overall though is this one.  Gnomes know Gnat Knights need neither kneel nor knock now.