Category: Uncategorized
MAN Week!
Last week Tuesday Dad, Mom, Anne, and Veronica left for Ohio to go to a wedding and to film some scenes for our next video, leaving all the male children at home till Monday when they return. This almost a weeks vacation we named MAN Week. While they were gone we spent most of the time being lazy, eating bad for us food, and playing around. We still practiced of course, we did the lawn, and naturally we kept the house in order while they were gone. We went Go kart racing, to Dinosaur World, shopping for Lego, and to see Jurassic World while they were gone. These trips, however, seem good enough to be blog posts of their own.
Sunday Comic!
Happy Fathers Day!
Happy Fathers Day everyone!
Gator Walking!
The week before last we went gator walking with our friends who were visiting from Ohio, and saw some very interesting, and almost spooky things while we were there. Early on we saw a gator hunting an Anhinga. At first it was swimming above water, but as it got closer to the bird it started swimming under water. We watched a small trail of bubbles that came up as the gator swam under the water to find out where the gator moved to. I was surprised by how fast the gator moved, for by the time the first bubbles came up the gator had already arrived at its destination. We watched the gator maneuver around the bird till it crawled up the side of the other bank, and we lost sight of it. We then walked on till this owl landed on tree branch above us.It looked like it flew straight from Scooby Doo. We walked under the owl and as we walked he watched us as we passed under him. We stopped at what was like a covered pier that overlooked the lake. It was a hot day so while everyone else waited Stephen and I ran ahead to get water, and had our first gator encounter. The gator was lying in the middle of the path. As we approached it got up and hissed at us. We didn’t feel very threatened, however, since the gator was about the same size as one of our shoes. We couldn’t get a picture though, because we had no camera at the time, but it was about the same size as that little gator right there.He probably doesn’t have very much reason to be mad huh?
Sunday Comic
RODE Contest Update!
Thanks to everyone who voted for our video! We are about in the middle of all the contestants. This is the link to our video Zombie Blastin’ Gun, and if you haven’t voted feel free to do so. On our video.
Sunday Comic!
On Tuesday some of our friends from Ohio were visiting, so the house was in an uproar. We had been expecting them on Friday and Saturday, so when we learned they were going to arrive on Tuesday we all became very excited. Our friends were going to arrive at five o’clock so around four thirty people were standing at the windows anxiously awaiting their arrival. We all had a great time and tomorrow we going walking on a hiking trail to see some alligators. Saturday we are having a really big party and we have invited over a bunch of other families and expect to have a very good time.
RODE Contest Entry!
Exciting announcement time!
Longbow’s entry for the My Rode Reel contest, sponsored by RØDE Microphones, is uploaded and ready for viewing here:
Zombie Blastin Gun
Check it out and vote for our video! Then go to the channel and leave your thoughts. Tell your friends about it! Thanks for all your support!