
So as it turns out Yesterday was far more interesting than I thought it would be. We moved around a BUNCH of comic book boxes and other band stuff, moving them all into the studio. It does look a little disorganized, but it’s far better than all those good comics and stuff getting ruined in the garage. Besides I think it makes it look more soundroomy. We also hung up a cool new stained glass ornament in the front window. It looks pretty neat if you ask me.

Monday Morning

It’s always difficult to write a blog post on Monday. Mainly because my brain is flooded with the overwhelming fact that I have to do school again. Not to mention the fact that I still kinda sore from crawling around in the attic Friday and Saturday. But hey, that’s what I’m going to be doing today: school work. Oh, and practicing.

The Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

The Armadillo of Legends: Defender of Stuffed Animals

And so the Armadillo took his leave of the Wise Old Bunny, and started across the desolate Land of the Living.

Obviously the name was meant to be a misnomer, or perhaps it was once a prosperous merchant town, but it certainly was no more. Harsh sand buffeted his face, while the heat from the sun beat down on his back. Nothing but dunes of sand were visible as far as the eye could see. Then far off in the distant the Armadillo’s keen eye noticed a gleam off the top of a small hill. Moving forward to examine it the Armadillo realized that there were many smaller lumps covering the hill. As he grew closer he could make out the glitter of two large eyes and the curl of one humongous lip.

The Armadillo stepped back in astonishment. Before him, between two huge mountains stood the giant stone Attack Frog!

The Attack Frog, immense in size, was a huge stone monument of a frog, magnificently painted and carved . Who or what this monument was carved for no one knew, but the monument was supposed to be constructed in Bathe.  How in the world did it come to be in the Land of the Living?

Suddenly the Attack Frog turned his head with a low rumbling sound, and began to speak in a deep throaty voice. “I see, young Armadillo, that you wish to cross past these mountains to the Valley of Din. To do this I have no objection, but if you wish me to move then first you must complete my task.”

The Armadillo rolled his eyes and accepted.

“Good. As I sit here much dust and sand accumulate on my stone eyes. Unable to gather water in the desert I would like you to clean them.Second I would like to know the nature of your quest, that I may judge your worthiness. And last of all I would like the book Dracula. I haven’t read a good book in ages.”

Diligently, the adventurer set about his tasks.  Within the hour the frog sat content with clean eyes, knowledge of the armadillo’s noble nature, and a good book.  All this being done the Attack Frog rose from the ground, and shaking dirt from ages past off him, nimbly sprang aside.

“I thank you Armadillo and due to the righteousness of your quest I offer you this old shield left behind by some other traveler. Though it is old and worn it will protect you from harm far better than any other.”

That being said, and the Armadillo on the other side of the mountain, the Attack Frog sprang back in place and became once more an immovable stone in the desert.

And so the Armadillo left the Land of the Living and emerged into the Valley of Din. As he entered the calm green valley he removed his scarf from his face, thinking now he could better smell the calming green scent of nature. Instead his nostrils were met with an atrocious smell. Fire.

Silver Stuff

Today we are going to begin putting this silver stuff up in the attic. To do this we are going to cut strips off the material and staple it across the trusses. Due to its shiny silver qualities it should help the house stay cool this summer. Also the Armadillo of Legends will come out tomorrow. Normally I would put it up on Thursday, but this week for some reason I thought it was Monday when it was Tuesday etc. etc. Suffice to say I did not get the post prepared on time. I still don’t remember what happened on Monday…

Old Bikes

So today Veronica rode a bike for the first time! Okay well technically she rode one Yesterday, but she rode one today all by herself, because today the bike had training wheels. The bike she rode today was Joseph and Stephen’s bike that they got when they were little. They didn’t share the bike, instead we used to have two identical little red bikes. Eventually they started to break down and the pieces from one of them was used to fix the other. Almost all the children learned to ride a bike starting on those. The one exception is Nicholas, who learned to ride a bike on python another really old worn bike that we have. It was one of the first bikes I rode. It’s a little small, but I can actually still ride it. It kinda hurts my legs because I have to pedal standing up, but it’s worth it.

Anne’s New Bike

So on Sunday, Mom and Dad went out with Anne to get her an early birthday present (because shes spoiled). A brand new bike! And a very pink bike at that! Yep, it’s 100% girly. There are even heart shapes on the gears. Yeah, I don’t think anyone else will want to ride Anne’s bike.

Peter Piper

So, I was thinking about the tongue twister Peter Piper. The first line is, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” Now if you think about it, pickling is a process that you do after you have picked the plant. So what plant does Peter Piper have that it can grow already pickled peppers. Think about that for awhile.